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Tuesday, December 16, 2008


received 14.12.08 1706 GMT

Hi everybody!

It has been a nice quiet day. The same fro the wind itself, until it started to blow around midday for about 3 hours, with gusts up to 25 knots, which made life a little bit difficult on board, but it was because it had been such a gentle start that we were not used to it! Ha ha!

The truth is that had very little wind last night until this morning. Last night we were in a bunch, everybody very close to one another, we were 20 metres apart from our Telefónica Blue, so you can imagine how close it was. But, step by step, everybody was positioning themselves and started to spread out a bit. In the morning, the situation of the fleet was not very different to that of the previous day. Until breeze made its way to the fleet, and some boats closer to shore started to make a significant gain.

It was like that until the winds calmed at sunset, and the fleet is again very tighten. We can all see the lights of our mates not very far away. We have 44 miles to go to the first of the two waypoints the race committee have placed in order to keep us a safe distance from turbulent waters of Sri Lanka. Nobody wants risks, as it is proved that the weather models are not very accurate. Keep in mind that we are into an unexplored region so far. Right now, we are the most leeward boat, and as we have to keep going down to the mark, and as the wind is expected to drop, we think we are in a nice position, but you never know in these waters!

Let's see what will happen tonight.
Los Blackies

Mikel Pasabant MCM

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