Sam Davies’ daily log
“Hello everyone,
Yesterday has been a peaceful day onboard Roxy in the South Atlantic. With a light wind and a flat sea, the decks have remained dry and Roxy has been full main + solent for the first time in weeks! It is so nice to be able to go on deck without oilskins and boots, and to be able to move around without risk of being catapulted off balance.
I have managed to get some rest, to go through my check-list, and also do some maintenance and running repairs such as splicing work to repair my chaffed reef lines. Roxy has been drying out and so have my oilskins (at last).
I have also spent a fair amount of time working on weather files, none of which say the same thing. I have concluded that the next few days will be complicated, frustrating and a little slow. I need to cross my fingers, whistle for the wind and trust my feelings.
It has certainly not been a lonely day today, as I was relieved to hear from Dee Caffari, Cali (Arnaud Boissieres - by mail) and Brian Thompson (by phone) after their storm-running experience. I also had a chat to Steve White. The most extraordinary contact of the day though was an e-mail from "Leopard 3" - Mike Slade’s maxi - who is doing the Cape Town - Salvador race, and is crossing my path a few hundred miles to the North. Some of my good friends from The Solent are on board and it was great to hear their news, and read their hilarious "daily newspaper". It just goes to show that it is a small world sometimes (even if it does take three months for me to sail round it).
Roxy is now gliding along happily under the starry night and I'm going to get some "zeds" whilst the conditions allow.....
Sam x”
At 1100 UK time, Sam Davies aboard Roxy was in 4th position, 1,815 miles from race leader Michel Desjoyeaux aboard Foncia
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